Breast Augmentation in Turkey

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    Breast Augmentation

    Is Breast Enlargement only a Cosmetic Procedure? Is it Medical?

    Breast enlargement, also known as breast augmentation, is primarily a cosmetic procedure. It is performed to enhance the size and shape of a person’s breasts for aesthetic purposes. However, it is essential to recognize that there are instances where breast enlargement can have medical indications.

    For example, women who have undergone mastectomy, which is the surgical removal of one or both breasts due to breast cancer, may choose to have breast reconstruction using implants. This reconstructive surgery can help restore the shape and volume of the breasts, providing emotional healing and a sense of wholeness for those who have undergone breast cancer treatment.

    Furthermore, fat breast augmentation can be used in cases of breast asymmetry, where one breast is noticeably smaller than the other. This condition can cause psychological distress and affect a person’s self-esteem. Breast augmentation can help address this imbalance, creating a more symmetrical appearance and promoting a positive body image.

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    Types of Breast Implants

    There are two main types of breast implants commonly used in boob augmentation surgeries: saline implants and silicone implants. Each type has its own characteristics and considerations.
    Saline implants are filled with sterile saltwater solution. These implants have a silicone outer shell that is inserted into the breast pocket during surgery and then filled with the saline solution. One advantage of saline implants is that, in the rare event of a rupture or leakage, the saline solution can be safely absorbed by the body. 
    This makes it easier to detect a rupture as the breast size changes noticeably. Additionally, saline implants generally require smaller incisions for placement, resulting in smaller scars.
     Silicone implants are filled with a cohesive silicone gel. These implants have a silicone shell that is pre-filled with gel before insertion. Silicone gel mimics the feel of natural breast tissue, providing a more natural and soft appearance. 
    The cohesive gel used in modern silicone implants is thicker, which helps prevent leakage in the event of a rupture. Regular monitoring is recommended.
    The patient’s desired outcome, the proportions of their body, and the plastic surgeon’s recommendations all play a role in the choice of implant type, shape, and size.

    Types of Breast Shape Enhancement Techniques

    Natural breast enhancement techniques include breast augmentation with implants, breast lifts to address sagging breasts, breast reduction for overly large breasts, and fat transfer to enhance volume and contour.  These natural breast enlargement procedures are designed to help individuals achieve their desired breast shape and improve their self-confidence. Each technique has its own benefits and considerations.

    Breast Augmentation

    This technique involves using implants to increase the size and enhance the shape of the breasts. It is a popular procedure for those who desire fuller breasts or want to improve their body proportions. 

    Breast Lift

    This technique is aimed at improving the shape and position of saggy boobs. Over time, factors like pregnancy, weight fluctuations, and aging can cause the breasts to lose their firmness and sag. A breast lift, also known as mastopexy, involves removing excess skin, tightening the surrounding tissues, and lifting the breasts to a more youthful position. 

    Breast Reduction

    Some individuals may seek breast shape enhancement through breast reduction surgery. This technique is beneficial for those with overly large breasts that may cause physical discomfort, pain, or self-consciousness. 

    Fat Transfer

    This technique, also known as autologous fat grafting, involves transferring fat from one part of the body, such as the abdomen or thighs, to the breasts. It is a natural and versatile option for enhancing breast shape and volume.

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    Will My Breasts Look Natural After an Augmentation?

    When it comes to boob augmentation, many individuals wonder whether the results will look natural. The good news is that with advancements in surgical techniques and implant options, it is possible to achieve natural-looking results that enhance your overall appearance.
    During a boob augmentation procedure, a skilled plastic surgeon considers various factors, such as your body proportions, existing breast tissue, and your desired outcome. They will work closely with you to choose the appropriate implant size, shape, and placement that align with your goals and create a balanced look.

  • One key aspect of achieving natural-looking results is selecting the right implant. 
  • The placement of the implant also plays a role in achieving natural results. 

  • It’s important to communicate your expectations clearly with your surgeon during the consultation process.
  • By discussing your desired outcome and showing examples of the look you want to achieve, your surgeon can better understand your aesthetic goals and work towards creating natural-looking results that complement your overall physique.

    Benefits of Breast Augmentation in Turkey

    Turkey has become a popular destination for individuals seeking fat breast augmentation, and there are several reasons why it is a preferred choice for many. Let’s explore the benefits of breast augmentation in Turkey:

    Highly Skilled Surgeons

    Turkey is renowned for its highly skilled and experienced plastic surgeons who specialize in breast augmentation procedures. 

    Advanced Medical Facilities

    Turkey boasts modern and well-equipped medical facilities that adhere to international standards.

    Cost-Effective Option

    One of the appealing aspects of undergoing breast augmentation in Turkey is the affordability. This affordability allows individuals to achieve their aesthetic goals while minimizing the financial burden.

    Combining Surgery with Travel

    Turkey’s unique geographical location offers the opportunity to combine breast augmentation with a memorable travel experience.


    Privacy is a crucial aspect of any medical procedure, and Turkey understands and respects this need. 

    It’s important to note that while there are numerous benefits to undergoing breast augmentation in Turkey, individuals should thoroughly research and choose reputable clinics and surgeons. 

    Why Choose Us?

    At Vitapera, we proudly hold various certifications that validate our strong position in the industry. These certifications are a testament to our commitment to providing you with the highest quality and security standards.


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    Breast Augmentation Procedure Explained

    Turkey has emerged as a sought-after destination for individuals seeking a tummy tuck procedure. This beautiful country offers a combination of skilled surgeons, competitive pricing, state-of-the-art facilities, comprehensive medical tourism services, and the opportunity to enjoy a memorable vacation.  Let’s explore these benefits in more detail:

    Subglandular Placement

    The implant is placed directly behind the breast tissue, over the chest muscle. This technique may be suitable for individuals with sufficient breast tissue and desired outcomes that prioritize upper pole fullness.

    Surgical Techniques For Breast Augmentation

    There are various surgical techniques for boobs enlargement. The two primary methods are:

    Comprehensive medical tourism services

    Turkey has developed a robust medical tourism industry, providing comprehensive services to international patients. This comprehensive support ensures a seamless and stress-free experience, allowing patients to focus on their recovery and overall well-being.

    Initial Consultation And Evaluation

    The journey begins with an initial consultation with a qualified plastic surgeon. During this appointment, the surgeon will discuss your goals, examine your breasts, and evaluate your overall health. They will explain the procedure, answer your questions, and help you determine if breast augmentation is the right option for you.

    Choosing The Right Implant Size And Shape

    Selecting the appropriate implant size and shape is a crucial step. During your consultation, the surgeon will consider your desired outcome, body proportions, and existing breast tissue. They will guide you in choosing implants that complement your physique and achieve the desired aesthetic result. Options include round or teardrop-shaped implants, with various sizes available.

    Incisions And Implant Placement

    The surgeon will discuss the incision options, such as inframammary (in the breast fold), periareolar (around the nipple), or transaxillary (in the armpit). Each incision location has its advantages and disadvantages.  The chosen incision allows the surgeon to create a pocket for the implant placement. They will carefully position the implant either below the chest muscle or behind the breast tissue, depending on the chosen surgical technique.

    Recovery And Postoperative Care

    After the surgery, you will be given specific instructions for your recovery period. You may experience some discomfort, swelling, and temporary changes in breast sensation. It is important to follow postoperative care guidelines, including wearing a supportive bra, avoiding strenuous activities, and attending follow-up appointments. 

  • The recovery time varies for each individual, but most people can return to their normal activities within a few weeks.
  • Throughout the entire process, Vitapera will provide guidance, support, and postoperative care to ensure your safety and satisfaction.
  • Ask Questions

    You can call us 24/7 for your questions and inquiries about all of our Treatments & Procedures.

    Before Procedure Tips

    Follow your doctor’s instructions for any lab tests or medical evaluations that are required.
    At least one month before the procedure, quit smoking.
    Take care to take the necessary drugs that your doctor has prescribed.
    Avoid taking aspirin, anti-inflammatory, and herbal supplements since they could cause more bleeding during surgery.
    Stop using stimulants before the procedure, including alcohol and Arabic coffee.
    Avoid foods and beverages that thin the blood as they may increase bleeding both before and after surgery.

    After Procedure Tips

    In order to control swelling and achieve the greatest results, you must wear a pressure garment for six weeks.
    While lying in bed, keep your knees bent.
    Take the medications, such as the painkillers and antibiotics, that your doctor has given for you to help you manage your pain and avoid infection.
    For the results to last, eat a healthy, balanced diet.
    Do not scratch the treated areas.
    For six weeks, abstain from sports and other vigorous activities.
    Avoid smoking for five weeks following surgery.
    Avoid using a hot or Turkish bath.
    For six weeks, refrain from strenuous activity or contact sports.

    What You Can Expect

    Breast augmentation can take place either in a surgical center or a hospital outpatient facility. It is likely that you will be discharged on the same day, as the procedure seldom necessitates an overnight hospital stay.
    On occasion, breast augmentation is performed under local anesthesia, allowing you to remain awake while your breast area is numbed. However, more commonly, the procedure is conducted under general anesthesia, rendering you unconscious throughout the surgery. Your plastic surgeon will discuss various anesthesia choices with you.

    Overview of Breast Augmentation Surgery

    Anesthesia Method

    Local anesthesia with oral sedation

    Duration Of


    Sports Activity

    4-10 Weeks
    Define Result
    2-3 Months

    Return To
    Social Life

    1 Week

    Return To

    2 Weeks


    Few Days

    Average Pain After
    3 Days


    We are always with you for your Health!

    You can call us 24/7 for your questions and inquiries about all of our Treatments & Procedures.

    Amazing Result!
    Breast Augmentation Before & After

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Am I A Suitable Candidate For Breast Augmentation?
    The suitability of boobs enlargement depends on various factors. Generally, individuals who are in good overall health, have realistic expectations, and desire enhancement or correction of their breast size or shape can be suitable candidates. It is important to consult with a qualified plastic surgeon who can assess your specific circumstances and provide personalized recommendations.
    Is Breast Augmentation A Safe Procedure?
    Breast augmentation is generally considered safe when performed by a skilled and experienced plastic surgeon in an accredited medical facility, like Vitapera. There are some potential risks and complications. However, these risks are relatively rare, and the vast majority of patients undergo breast augmentation without complications.
    How Long Does It Take To Recover From Breast Augmentation?
    Recovery times can vary. Generally, you can expect some discomfort and swelling for a few weeks. Most individuals can resume normal activities within a few weeks, but strenuous exercise and heavy lifting should be avoided for several weeks. Your surgeon will provide specific postoperative instructions to aid in your recovery.
    Will There Be Visible Scars On The Breast After The Procedure?
    Incisions are necessary for boobs enlargement, and scarring is an inherent part of any surgical procedure. However, skilled surgeons employ techniques to minimize scarring and make incisions in inconspicuous areas such as the breast fold, around the nipple, or in the armpit. Over time, the scars become less noticeable.
    Can Breast Augmentation Interfere With Breastfeeding?
    Breast augmentation usually does not interfere with breastfeeding. Most incision and implant placement techniques do not disrupt the milk ducts or interfere with the glandular tissue responsible for milk production. However, it is important to discuss it with your surgeon.
    Will My Breast Look Even After An Enlargement?
    Breast augmentation aims to create a more balanced and proportionate appearance. Skilled surgeons take into account factors such as breast asymmetry and work towards achieving symmetry and a pleasing outcome.
    However, perfect symmetry cannot be guaranteed, as natural breasts are not perfectly symmetrical to begin with. Your surgeon will strive to improve symmetry but will also prioritize achieving an aesthetically pleasing and natural-looking outcome.
    What Is The Cost Of Breast Augmentation In Turkey?
    Several factors affect the final price of a breast augmentation in Turkey. Breast augmentation in Turkey is typically less expensive than in many other nations, making it a popular destination for those looking to save money on the surgery. Contact Vitapera now to learn the exact cost of the procedure!
    Can Breast Augmentation Correct Asymmetry Or Uneven Breasts?
    Yes, boobs enlargement can be utilized to correct asymmetry or uneven breasts. By using different implant sizes or techniques, a skilled surgeon can help achieve a more balanced and symmetrical appearance.

    Everyone Has the Right to Look Better Make an Appointment Now!