Brazilian Butt Lift in Turkey

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Join over 20,000 patients worldwide and transform your body with us! Experience significant savings of over 80% when you opt for body aesthetic treatments in Istanbul, Turkey, achieving natural results in just 1 WEEK.

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BBL Results

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    Before Procedure Tips

    Perform the required lab tests that your doctor has advised.
    Obtain a baseline mammogram prior to the procedure.
    Smoking restricts blood flow to the skin, which could affect healing, therefore you should give up smoking at least two weeks before the surgery.
    Drinks that thin the blood, including green tea, should be avoided as they may cause serious bleeding both before and after operation.
    Stop using any medications that thin the blood, such as Aspirin and ibuprofen combos.
    For a week prior to the transplant, you should abstain from stimulants like coffee and alcohol because they may interfere with the anesthetic procedure.

    After Procedure Tips

    Wear a compression garment or dressing over your buttocks to perhaps reduce swelling.
    After surgery, refrain from regular activity for two weeks.
    Walk slowly for a brief period of time to assist you minimize swelling and lower your risk of blood clots.
    Take all of your prescription medications, including any pain relievers and antibiotics.
    For six weeks after the procedure, avoid tanning.
    For six weeks following surgery, refrain from vigorous activity.
    Smoking should be avoided for five weeks following surgery as it slows healing.
    Avoid exposing the incisions to direct sunlight to minimize the visibility of scars.
    You can keep your results up by eating well and exercising frequently.

    We are always with you for your Health!

    You can call us 24/7 for your questions and inquiries about all of our Treatments & Procedures.

    Overview of Brazilian Butt Lift

    Anesthesia Method


    Duration Of


    Sports Activity

    5 Weeks

    Define Result
    6 Months

    Return To
    Social Life

    2 Days

    Return To

    3 Days


    1 Days

    Average Pain After
    3 Days


    Amazing Result!
    Brazilian Butt Lift Before & After

    Reasons for Choosing a Brazilian Butt Lift in Turkey

    The beauty of the Brazilian Butt Lift lies in its ability to utilize your body’s own fat. By utilizing your body’s natural resources, the procedure minimizes the risk of rejection or allergic reactions. Additionally, the transferred fat cells can establish a long-term connection with the surrounding tissues, providing a lasting enhancement.

    One key advantage of the Brazilian Butt Lift is that it offers a dual benefit. Not only does it enhance the size and shape of your buttocks, but it also provides a slimmer appearance in the areas where the fat was initially removed. It’s like getting a two-for-one deal!

    So, if you’re longing for a more voluptuous and curvaceous backside, the Brazilian Butt Lift can help you achieve your desired aesthetic. Enhancing your natural contours with your body’s own fat can provide a stunning transformation that not only boosts your confidence but also complements your overall appearance.
    Remember, always prioritize your safety and consult with a qualified professional. Now go ahead and embrace your journey to a more fabulous you!

    BBL Alternatives

    While the Brazilian Butt Lift is a popular option for enhancing the shape and size of your buttocks, it’s important to know that there are other alternatives available if the BBL doesn’t align with your preferences or needs. These alternatives offer different approaches to achieving a similar goal—creating a more shapely and desirable backside.

    • One alternative that you may consider is butt implants. This procedure involves the insertion of silicone implants into the buttocks to enhance their size and contour. The implants come in various shapes and sizes, allowing for customization to achieve the desired outcome. Compared to the BBL, butt implants offer a more long-lasting solution because they do not rely on transferred fat that the body might resorb over time.
    • Another alternative is non-surgical butt lift treatments. These treatments utilize advanced technologies such as radiofrequency or ultrasound to stimulate collagen production and tighten the skin around the buttocks. This can result in a lifted and firmer appearance without the need for surgery or invasive procedures. Non-surgical butt lifts are typically less expensive and require little to no downtime, making them a convenient option for those seeking a non-invasive approach.

    It’s important to note that the effectiveness of alternative options may vary depending on individual factors such as body type, genetics, and desired results. Consulting with a qualified professional, such as a board-certified plastic surgeon at Vitapera, can help you explore the best alternatives for your specific goals and circumstances. Each option has its own benefits and considerations. Taking the time to research and discuss with experts will empower you to make an informed decision that aligns with your desires and preferences. Embrace the journey to finding the option that suits you best and enhances your natural beauty!

    We are always with you for your Health!

    You can call us 24/7 for your questions and inquiries about all of our Treatments & Procedures.

    How Safe Is a BBL?

    Ensuring the safety of any medical procedure is of utmost importance, and the Brazilian Butt Lift is no exception. The procedure is considered safe when carried out by a qualified and experienced board-certified plastic surgeon. However, it’s essential to be aware of the potential risks and take the necessary precautions.

    One key aspect that contributes to the safety of the BBL is the use of your body’s own fat. Since the procedure involves transferring fat from one area of your body to your buttocks, there is a reduced risk of allergic reactions or rejection. Your body is familiar with its own fat, minimizing the chances of complications related to foreign substances.

    To enhance safety, it’s important to choose a board-certified plastic surgeon who specializes in the Brazilian Butt Lift. Additionally, it’s crucial to follow all post-operative care guidelines provided by your surgeon. This includes wearing compression garments, avoiding sitting directly on your buttocks for a certain period, and maintaining a healthy lifestyle to support proper healing and long-term results.

    Remember, by choosing a reputable surgeon, following instructions diligently, and prioritizing your well-being, you can significantly minimize the risks associated with the Brazilian Butt Lift. Contact Vitapera now for a safe and smooth BBL Surgery!

    Brazilian Butt Lift Procedure Explained

    The Brazilian Butt Lift is a procedure that involves several steps to enhance the shape and size of your buttocks, providing a more curvaceous and desirable appearance. Let’s dive into each stage of the process:

    Initial Consultation And Assessment

    Your journey begins with an initial consultation with a board-certified plastic surgeon who specializes in the BBL. During this important step, you’ll discuss your goals, concerns, and medical history. The surgeon will carefully assess your unique anatomy to determine the best approach for your desired results. 

    Donor Fat Harvesting Via Liposuction

    Next, liposuction is performed to harvest fat from areas of your body with excess fat deposits, such as the abdomen, thighs, or hips. This serves a dual purpose: slimming down those areas and collecting the fat needed for the buttock augmentation. Liposuction is a precise technique that removes fat through tiny incisions using specialized tools.

    Fat Purification And Processing

    Once the fat is harvested, it goes through a purification and processing phase. The collected fat is carefully separated from other substances, such as blood and fluids, to ensure the highest quality fat cells for transfer. This process ensures that only the purest and healthiest fat cells are used for your augmentation.

    Strategic Fat Grafting And Sculpting

    Now comes the exciting part! The surgeon strategically injects the purified fat into specific areas of your buttocks. This technique allows them to sculpt and reshape your buttocks, creating the desired contour and volume. The surgeon’s expertise and artistic eye come into play as they carefully place the fat injections to achieve natural-looking and harmonious results.

    Recovery And Postoperative Care

    After the procedure, you’ll enter the recovery phase, where it’s important to follow your surgeon’s postoperative care instructions. You may experience some swelling and discomfort initially, but this typically subsides over time. You’ll be advised to avoid sitting directly on your buttocks for a certain period and wear compression garments to support healing and maintain the newly sculpted shape.

    What You Can Expect

    Breast augmentation can take place either in a surgical center or a hospital outpatient facility. It is likely that you will be discharged on the same day, as the procedure seldom necessitates an overnight hospital stay.

    On occasion, breast augmentation is performed under local anesthesia, allowing you to remain awake while your breast area is numbed. However, more commonly, the procedure is conducted under general anesthesia, rendering you unconscious throughout the surgery. Your plastic surgeon will discuss various anesthesia choices with you.

    We are always with you for your Health!

    You can call us 24/7 for your questions and inquiries about all of our Treatments & Procedures.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Am I A Good Candidate For A Brazilian Butt Lift?
    If you desire fuller, more shapely buttocks, you may be a good candidate for a BBL. Generally, suitable candidates are in good overall health, have enough excess fat for liposuction, and have realistic expectations for the procedure. Consultation with a board-certified plastic surgeon specializing in the BBL will help determine your candidacy based on your individual circumstances.
    What Are The Risks And Potential Complications Of A Brazilian Butt Lift?
    Like any surgical procedure, the Brazilian Butt Lift comes with potential risks and considerations. It’s important to consult with a board-certified plastic surgeon who specializes in BBL to discuss your individual goals, medical history, and expectations. They can guide you through the process and ensure a safe and satisfying experience.
    How Long Does It Take To Recover From A Brazilian Butt Lift?
    Recovery times can vary, but most individuals can expect a few weeks of downtime. Initially, you may experience swelling, bruising, and discomfort, which will gradually improve over time. Your surgeon will provide postoperative instructions to support healing, including wearing compression garments and avoiding sitting directly on your buttocks for a specified period. In most cases, a complete recovery takes a few months.
    Will There Be Visible Scars After The Procedure?
    The incisions made for liposuction and fat injection during a BBL are generally small and strategically placed to minimize scarring. Surgeons use techniques that aim to keep scars as discreet as possible. Scars usually lighten and become less apparent as time passes. Following your surgeon’s aftercare instructions will also contribute to optimal healing and minimal scarring.
    Can I Sit Or Lie On My Back After A Brazilian Butt Lift?
    To protect the newly transferred fat cells, you’ll be advised to avoid sitting or lying directly on your back or buttocks for a specific duration. Pressure on the area can interfere with the healing process and affect the survival of the transferred fat. Your surgeon may recommend using a special cushion or pillow to support your weight on your thighs or abdomen during the initial recovery period.
    How Long Will The Results Of A Brazilian Butt Lift Last?
    The longevity of BBL results varies among individuals. While the body may absorb some of the transferred fat, the remaining fat cells can form a long-lasting connection with the surrounding tissues. With proper postoperative care and maintaining a stable weight, the results can be long-lasting. However, it’s important to note that natural aging, lifestyle changes, and weight fluctuations can impact appearance over time.
    Can I Combine A Brazilian Butt Lift With Other Procedures?
    Yes, it is possible to combine a BBL with other procedures, depending on your aesthetic goals and overall health. Common combinations include liposuction of other areas, a tummy tuck, breast augmentation, or body contouring procedures. Combining procedures can provide comprehensive enhancements and may be more cost-effective and efficient.
    What Is The Cost Of A Brazilian Butt Lift In Turkey?
    The cost of a Brazilian Butt Lift in Turkey can vary depending on factors such as the surgeon’s expertise, clinic location, and additional services provided. It’s important to have a consultation with a qualified surgeon to assess your specific needs and receive an accurate cost estimate tailored to your circumstances. Contact Vitapera for the exact cost of a Brazilian Butt Lift in Turkey!

    Everyone Has the Right to Look Better Make an Appointment Now!