Sapphire FUE Hair Transplantation in turkey

The Sapphire FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction) hair transplantation method is a modern technique used for hair restoration procedures. It is an advanced version of the traditional FUE method that utilizes special surgical blades made of sapphire to create the recipient sites for hair transplantation.

In a Sapphire FUE procedure, the donor hair follicles are extracted individually from the back or sides of the scalp, which are usually resistant to balding. These follicles are then transplanted into the balding or hair thinning areas of the scalp to restore hair growth.


The key feature of the Sapphire FUE technique is the use of sapphire blades instead of steel or metal blades. The sapphire blades are incredibly sharp and have a smooth surface, which allows for precise and clean incisions. The use of these blades minimizes tissue trauma, reduces scarring, and promotes faster healing.

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    what are the benefits of Sapphire Percutaneous

    Why Men Prefer Sapphire FUE Hair Transplantation?

    Picture this: a revolutionary hair restoration method that has men everywhere excited. It’s called Sapphire FUE, and it’s transforming the way we bring back your hair, naturally and precisely. Men love it because it creates a hairline that looks so real, it’s like it was never lost.

    How? Well, those special sapphire blades used in the procedure are so sharp and accurate that they can create tiny, perfectly crafted incisions, resulting in a natural hairline that blends seamlessly with your own hair. 

    But that’s not all! The healing process is faster, allowing you to bounce back quickly and get back to your daily routine in no time. With Sapphire FUE, you can enjoy a fuller head of hair too, as the precision of those sapphire blades allows for more hair to be transplanted, giving you a thicker, more youthful look. And here’s the best part: the scars are barely noticeable! 

    The sapphire blades leave behind minimal traces, giving you the freedom to rock any hairstyle with confidence. Say hello to natural-looking results that will make you feel like yourself again. Sapphire FUE is the future of hair restoration, and it’s here to help you reclaim your crowning glory with sincerity and satisfaction.

    Advantages of the Sapphire FUE Hair Transplant Method

    Get ready to discover the incredible advantages of the Sapphire FUE hair transplant method—a true game-changer in hair restoration! Imagine a procedure that not only brings back your hair but does so with exceptional precision and natural-looking results. 

    With Sapphire FUE, we utilize special blades made of sapphire, known for their extraordinary sharpness and precision. These blades create tiny, almost invisible incisions, ensuring a hairline that looks so genuine, it’s like the hair was there all along.

    But that’s not all—Sapphire FUE offers even more benefits! 

    • The healing process is remarkably faster compared to traditional methods, meaning you’ll be back on your feet and enjoying your daily activities in no time. 
    • Plus, the minimally invasive nature of the procedure reduces discomfort, allowing for a smoother recovery.


    • One of the most remarkable advantages is the ability to achieve a fuller head of hair. The precision of the sapphire blades enables our skilled surgeons to transplant more hair follicles in a smaller area, resulting in a denser and more natural appearance. 
    • Say goodbye to hair thinning or hair fall spots and hello to a vibrant and youthful look that will make you feel confident and revitalized.
    • Another fantastic advantage is the minimal scarring. The use of sapphire blades ensures that any scars left behind are nearly undetectable. 
    • You can confidently wear your hair short or even shave your head without worrying about visible marks. 
    • Embrace the freedom to style your hair the way you want, without any limitations or self-consciousness.

    The Sapphire FUE hair transplant method is a testament to our commitment to your satisfaction and well-being. We believe that every person deserves to feel their best, and our innovative approach aims to provide you with natural results that enhance your overall appearance and boost your self-esteem. 

    Experience the incredible advantages of Sapphire FUE with Vitapera, and let us help you restore not only your hair but also your confidence and joy!

    What Should Be Considered Before Sapphire FUE Hair Transplantation?

    Embarking on the journey of Sapphire FUE hair transplantation is an exciting step towards restoring your hair and confidence, but before you take that leap, there are important factors to consider. 

    • First and foremost, it’s crucial to consult with a qualified hair restoration specialist who can assess your unique situation and provide personalized guidance. They will evaluate the condition of your hair, the extent of your hair loss, and the availability of suitable donor hair.
    • It’s essential to have realistic expectations. While Sapphire FUE offers remarkable benefits, such as a natural-looking hairline and minimal scarring, it’s important to understand that results can vary from person to person. The success of the procedure depends on various factors, including the quality of your donor hair, your overall health, and even your

        hair care routine post-transplantation.

    • Additionally, it’s important to be prepared for the recovery process. While Sapphire FUE is minimally invasive, you may experience some temporary redness, swelling, or mild discomfort in the treated areas. It’s crucial to follow the postoperative instructions provided by your surgeon to ensure proper healing and optimal results.
    • Cost is another aspect to consider. Sapphire FUE hair transplantation is an investment in yourself, and the price can vary depending on factors such as the extent of the procedure and the expertise of the surgeon. 
    • Finally, take the time to research and choose a reputable and experienced hair restoration clinic or surgeon like Vitapera

    What Are the Differences Between FUE Hair Transplant and Sapphire FUE?

    When it comes to hair transplant surgery, two popular methods stand out: classical FUE and Sapphire FUE. Let’s explore their differences!

    Classical FUE involves extracting hair follicles one by one from the donor area using small punches or instruments. On the other hand, Sapphire FUE takes it up a notch by using special blades made of sapphire, known for their sharpness and precision.

    The key distinction lies in the incisions made during the procedure. Classical FUE uses regular blades, while Sapphire FUE employs those remarkable sapphire blades. These blades create smaller, more precise incisions, resulting in several advantages.

    1. Firstly, the precision of Sapphire FUE allows for a more natural-looking hairline. The tiny incisions enable the surgeon to recreate the hairline with meticulous detail, giving you a result that seamlessly blends with your existing hair.
    2. Secondly, the use of sapphire blades minimizes trauma to the scalp. This means less bleeding, reduced discomfort during the procedure, and faster healing afterwards. It’s a win-win situation!
    3. Lastly, scarring is another differentiating factor. With classical FUE, scarring can be more noticeable, whereas Sapphire FUE leaves behind minimal traces. The smaller incisions made by the sapphire blades promote smoother healing and create scars that are harder to detect.

    So, if you’re looking for a hair transplant that offers precise, natural results with minimal scarring and a quicker recovery, Sapphire FUE might be the way to go. Consult with Vitapera to discuss your options and find the best approach for you.

    • Embrace the possibilities of modern hair restoration techniques and take a step towards regaining your confidence and a fuller head of hair with Sapphire FUE!

                     Stages of Sapphire Hair Transplantation

    Sapphire hair transplantation is a remarkable journey that can restore your hair and boost your confidence. By understanding the different stages and collaborating with a trusted specialist, you’re on your way to achieving natural-looking, long-lasting results.

    Prepare yourself for a transformative experience that brings back not only your hair but also your self-assurance. Get ready to embrace the joy of a fuller head of hair with Sapphire hair transplantation and let’s explore the stages together! 

    Preparing for Hair Transplantation

    Before the procedure, it’s essential to consult with a specialist who will assess your hair condition and discuss your goals. They will provide personalized advice, and you may need to follow specific guidelines, such as avoiding certain medications or alcohol, to prepare for the surgery.

    Collection of Hair Follicles From Donor Area

    Using the precise sapphire blades, individual hair follicles are extracted one by one from the donor area, typically located at the back or sides of the scalp. This process is performed with care to minimize discomfort and ensure the preservation of healthy follicles.

    Opening of the Channels

    Once the hair follicles are collected, the surgeon uses the sapphire blades to create tiny, strategic incisions in the recipient area of the scalp. These channels determine the angle, direction, and density of the transplanted hair, ensuring a natural-looking result.

    Transplantation of Hair Follicles

    In the final stage, the extracted hair follicles are transplanted into the previously created channels. The surgeon delicately places each follicle, paying close attention to detail to achieve the desired aesthetic outcome. The careful transplantation ensures proper alignment and positioning of the follicles for a natural and harmonious result.

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    Sapphire Percutaneous Cost in Turkey?

    Sapphire Method in Turkey will cost you between  €1800 – €2600

    What You Can Expect


    Breast augmentation can take place either in a surgical center or a hospital outpatient facility. It is likely that you will be discharged on the same day, as the procedure seldom necessitates an overnight hospital stay.


    On occasion, breast augmentation is performed under local anesthesia, allowing you to remain awake while your breast area is numbed. However, more commonly, the procedure is conducted under general anesthesia, rendering you unconscious throughout the surgery. Your plastic surgeon will discuss various anesthesia choices with you.

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    Before Procedure Tips

    • Smoking has an impact on follicle growth and the treatment’s outcomes, so it should be avoided for at least two weeks prior to the procedure.
    • Avoid drinking green tea because it is a blood thinner that will make the transplantation fail by causing excessive bleeding both before and after the procedure.
    • For at least four days prior to the transplant, abstain from coffee and other stimulants in general since they impair the anesthetic procedure.
    • In order to prevent any issues that could arise before or after the operation, it is advised to have a good, balanced meal prior to the hair transplant Turkey.
    • Stop using drugs like aspirin and ibuprofen combos, which thin the blood.
    • Your healthcare provider who is monitoring your health must be aware of any medications you are taking for a specific disease, such as diabetes, hypertension, or another ailment.
    After procedure Tips
    • For at least 48 hours, you should cover your scalp with bandages.
    • Commit to take the meds your doctor has given in order to aid in your recovery.
    • You make every effort to maintain your head straight and avoid bending it.
    • After the procedure, wait at least 72 hours before washing your hair.
    • For five days, you must spend your nights propped up on two pillows in a semi-vertical position.
    • For at least a month, you should avoid direct sunlight and unfavorable weather conditions including heat, excessive humidity, and rain.
    • To prevent harm to the hair follicles, use caution when putting on or removing your garments.
    • For three months, you shouldn’t swim in the ocean, and for two months, you shouldn’t swim in a pool.
    • After surgery, you should abstain from smoking for at least two months.


    • When washing your hair, use the medicinal shampoo we give you and stay away from any chemical shampoo.

    Overview of Sapphire Percutaneous Hair Transplant



    Duration of

    3H for 1000 implants




    14 Days



    6-9 months

    Return to

    Social Life

    1 week

    Return to


    10 days


    No Need


    Pain After

    3 Days


    Frequently Asked Questions

    Is DHI Better than Sapphire?

    DHI (Direct Hair Implantation) and Sapphire hair transplant are both advanced techniques with their own unique benefits. DHI involves directly implanting hair follicles into the recipient area, while Sapphire FUE uses special sapphire blades for precise incisions. 

    The “better” method depends on your specific needs and preferences. Consult with Vitapera to determine which technique is most suitable for you and can help achieve your desired results.

    Is Sapphire Hair Transplant Safe?

    Absolutely! Sapphire hair transplantation is considered safe when performed by experienced and qualified surgeons. The use of sapphire blades in the procedure allows for precise and controlled incisions, minimizing damage to surrounding tissues. .

    Does Sapphire Hair Transplantation Leave Scars?

    Sapphire hair transplantation typically leaves minimal, barely noticeable scars. The use of sapphire blades enables precise incisions, promoting smoother healing and reducing the visibility of scars. The small incisions made during the procedure tend to heal well, and any scars are often concealed within your existing hair, making them difficult to detect.

    What Is the Hardest Hair Transplant?

    The “hardest” hair transplant cases typically refer to those with advanced hair loss or challenging conditions, such as limited availability of donor hair, scarring, or previous unsuccessful procedures. These cases require intricate planning and expertise. They may involve specialized techniques, including body hair transplantation or advanced restoration methods.

    What Is the Success Rate of Sapphire FUE?

    When carried out by skilled surgeons, Sapphire FUE hair transplantation generally has a high success rate. The success rate depends on various factors, including the quality and availability of donor hair, the expertise of the surgical team, and individual factors like overall health and hair characteristics.

    Does Sapphire FUE Transplant Produce Natural Looking Results?

    Absolutely! Sapphire FUE hair transplantation can produce natural-looking results. The use of sapphire blades permits precise incisions, allowing for the precise positioning of hair follicles at the appropriate angles, directions, and densities. This meticulous approach ensures that the transplanted hair blends seamlessly with your existing hair, resulting in a natural appearance.

    You can contact us for more detailed information.

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