Breast Reduction in Turkey

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    What Is a Diep Flap?

    A DIEP flap, which stands for Deep Inferior Epigastric Perforator Flap, is a surgical procedure used for breast reconstruction. Imagine an artist creating a masterpiece using pieces of different colors and textures. Well, in breast reconstruction, surgeons use the body’s own tissues to rebuild a breast, just like a skilled sculptor shapes a work of art. And that’s where the DIEP flap reconstruction comes in.

    The DIEP flap surgery procedure is like a magical transformation, where surgeons take excess skin and fat from the lower abdomen (the belly area) and use it to reconstruct a new breast. It’s like repurposing nature’s own resources to create something beautiful and natural.

    But here’s the fascinating part: during a DIEP flap, only the skin and fat are taken from the abdomen, leaving the muscles in place. This means that not only do you get a reconstructed breast, but you also get a tummy tuck at the same time! It’s like a two-in-one special deal.

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    Is a Breast Reduction Only for Cancer Patients?

    Contrary to popular belief, breast reduction surgery is not only for cancer patients. Breast reduction surgery is like a superhero cape for anyone who wants to reduce the size of their breasts, not just cancer patients. It’s a procedure that can help both women and men who have naturally large breasts and want to achieve a more balanced and comfortable shape.

    While breast reduction is often associated with breast cancer reconstruction, it’s important to know that it serves a broader purpose. Many people with naturally large breasts experience physical discomfort and pain, such as back, neck, and shoulder issues. Imagine carrying a heavy backpack on your chest all the time—it can be quite burdensome!

    But fear not; breast reduction surgery swoops in to save the day. Skilled surgeons work their magic by removing excess breast tissue and fat, sculpting the breasts into a smaller and more proportionate size. It’s like finding the perfect fit for your body, just like a tailor would for a bespoke suit..

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    At Vitapera, we proudly hold various certifications that validate our strong position in the industry. These certifications are a testament to our commitment to providing you with the highest quality and security standards.


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    Reasons for Considering Breast Reduction

    Imagine carrying a heavy burden on your chest every day. Well, for some individuals with naturally large breasts, that’s exactly what it feels like. The weight and size of their breasts can cause physical discomfort and impact their quality of life. 

    Here are some of the main reasons for considering breast reduction: 

    Reason 1: Physical Discomfort

    Large breasts can lead to chronic pain in the back, neck, and shoulders. It’s like constantly carrying a heavy load that strains your body. Breast reduction surgery can alleviate this discomfort by reducing the weight and volume of the breasts. It’s like lifting a weight off your shoulders and reclaiming your comfort.

    Reason 2: Lifestyle Limitations

    Having excessively large breasts can limit your ability to engage in physical activities. It can make exercising, playing sports, or even finding suitable clothing a challenge. Breast reduction surgery can help you break free from these limitations and enjoy a more active and fulfilling lifestyle. It’s like unlocking new possibilities and embracing a more vibrant life.

    Reason 3: Emotional Well-being

    Large breasts can sometimes cause emotional distress and impact self-esteem. It’s like carrying insecurities and feeling self-conscious about your appearance. Breast reduction surgery can provide a boost to your confidence and improve body image. It’s like rediscovering your inner beauty and feeling comfortable in your own skin.

    Reason 4: Proportion and Balance

    Some individuals may feel that their breasts are out of proportion with the rest of their body. Breast reduction surgery can help achieve a more balanced and harmonious figure. It’s like fine-tuning the proportions of an artistic masterpiece and enhancing your natural beauty.

    We are always with you for your Health!

    You can call us 24/7 for your questions and inquiries about all of our Treatments & Procedures.

    Benefits of Breast Reduction in Turkey

    By using your body’s own tissues, the DIEP flap surgery  procedure offers several benefits. First, it creates a breast that looks and feels natural because it’s made from your own living tissue. It’s like nature’s own gift to restore what was lost.

    Second, since no muscles are taken, the abdominal wall remains strong and intact. This means you can maintain your core strength and enjoy a faster recovery compared to other procedures. It’s like having a superpower that helps you bounce back and regain your strength quicker.

    Of course, like any surgical procedure, there is a recovery period. It may take several weeks to heal fully, but your surgeon will provide you with personalized care instructions and support along the way. Just think of it as a temporary pause before unveiling the incredible transformation. 
    So, if you’re considering breast reconstruction, the DIEP flap procedure offers you a unique opportunity. It’s like a tailor-made breast created from your own body, with the added bonus of a tummy tuck. Talk to a skilled plastic surgeon of Vitapera who specializes in breast reconstruction to explore this exciting option. 

    Get ready to embrace the beauty of nature’s own artistry and reclaim your confidence!

    Ask Questions

    You can call us 24/7 for your questions and inquiries about all of our Treatments & Procedures.

    Before Procedure Tips

    Follow your doctor’s instructions for any lab tests or medical evaluations that are required.
    At least one month before the procedure, quit smoking.
    Take care to take the necessary drugs that your doctor has prescribed.
    Avoid taking aspirin, anti-inflammatory, and herbal supplements since they could cause more bleeding during surgery.
    Stop using stimulants before the procedure, including alcohol and Arabic coffee.
    Avoid foods and beverages that thin the blood as they may increase bleeding both before and after surgery.

    After Procedure Tips

    In order to control swelling and achieve the greatest results, you must wear a pressure garment for six weeks.
    While lying in bed, keep your knees bent.
    Take the medications, such as the painkillers and antibiotics, that your doctor has given for you to help you manage your pain and avoid infection.
    For the results to last, eat a healthy, balanced diet.
    Do not scratch the treated areas.
    For six weeks, abstain from sports and other vigorous activities.
    Avoid smoking for five weeks following surgery.
    Avoid using a hot or Turkish bath.
    For six weeks, refrain from strenuous activity or contact sports.

    Breast Reduction Procedure Explained

    The breast reduction procedure, also known as reduction mammoplasty, is a surgical technique designed to reduce the size and reshape the breasts. It is typically performed on individuals with disproportionately large breasts that can cause physical discomfort, pain, and emotional distress.
    Breast reduction surgery is a personalized journey. Your surgeon will guide you through each step, ensuring your comfort and satisfaction. So, embrace the opportunity to reshape and lift both your breasts and your self-confidence. It’s a transformative experience that brings out the best version of you.

    Now, let’s take a look at each step of the process!

    Initial Consultation And Evaluation

    The journey to breast reduction starts with a friendly consultation with a skilled plastic surgeon. During this meeting, you’ll discuss your concerns, goals, and medical history. TThe surgeon will examine your health, breast size, and shape to make a decision. It’s like having a personal guide who understands your needs and is ready to create a tailored plan just for you.

    Incision Placement And Tissue Removal

    In the operating room, the surgeon will make careful incisions, usually around the areola (the darker area around the nipple) and sometimes extending vertically below it. This allows access to the underlying breast tissue. The excess breast tissue and fat will be removed, sculpting the breasts to a smaller size. It’s like an artistic process, where the surgeon skillfully sculpts and reshapes your breasts.

    Reshaping And Lifting The Breasts

    After removing the excess tissue, the surgeon will reshape and lift the remaining breast tissue to create a more youthful and proportionate appearance. This involves repositioning the nipple and areola to a higher position. It’s like a natural makeover, restoring the breasts to a higher, perkier position that enhances your overall figure.

    Recovery And Postoperative Care

    After the surgery, you’ll be taken to a recovery area where you’ll receive specialized care. Your surgeon will provide detailed instructions for your recovery, including wearing a supportive bra and avoiding strenuous activities. It’s like having a personal coach who guides you through the healing process, ensuring optimal results.
    During the recovery period, it’s normal to experience some swelling, bruising, and mild discomfort. However, your surgeon will provide pain management strategies to keep you as comfortable as possible. It’s a temporary phase that leads to a more confident and comfortable you.
    We will organize follow-up sessions to check on your recovery and hear your thoughts and questions. Your surgeon will provide guidance on when you can resume your regular activities. It’s like having a support team that ensures your long-term satisfaction and well-being.

    Overview of Breast Reduction Surgery

    Anesthesia Method

    Local anesthesia with oral sedation

    Duration Of


    Sports Activity

    4-10 Weeks

    Define Result

    2-3 Months

    Return To
    Social Life

    1 Week

    Return To

    2 Weeks


    Few Days

    Average Pain After
    3 Days


    Amazing Result!
    Breast Reduction Before & After

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Am I A Suitable Candidate For Breast Reduction?
    If you have disproportionately large breasts that cause physical discomfort, pain, or emotional distress, you may be a suitable candidate for breast reduction. It’s important to consult with a qualified plastic surgeon who can evaluate your specific situation and discuss your goals and expectations. Contact Vitapera now for more information!
    Is Breast Reduction A Safe Procedure?
    When carried out by a qualified and experienced plastic surgeon, breast reduction is typically considered safe. Like any surgical procedure, there are risks involved, but your surgeon will take the necessary precautions to minimize them and ensure your safety.
    What Are The Risks And Potential Complications Of Breast Reduction?
    Potential risks and complications include infection, bleeding, scarring, changes in nipple sensation, uneven breast size, and difficulty breastfeeding. During the meeting, your surgeon will go over these potential complications and provide you advice on how to lessen their impact.
    How Long Does It Take To Recover From Breast Reduction?
    Recovery time varies for each individual, but most people can resume normal activities within a few weeks. It’s important to follow your surgeon’s postoperative instructions, including wearing a supportive bra and avoiding strenuous activities during the initial healing period.
    Will There Be Visible Scars After The Procedure?
    Yes, there will be scars after breast reduction, but a skilled surgeon will make efforts to minimize their visibility. The scars may initially appear red and raised, but they tend to fade over time. Your surgeon will provide guidance on scar care to optimize healing.
    Can Breast Reduction Interfere With Breastfeeding?
    Breast reduction can potentially impact breastfeeding, as the procedure involves removing breast tissue. However, techniques that preserve the nipple’s blood supply and milk ducts can be used to increase the chances of successful breastfeeding. It’s important to discuss your plans for future breastfeeding with your surgeon during the consultation.
    Will I Lose Mammary Functions After A Reduction?
    Breast reduction aims to reduce breast size while preserving mammary functions. However, there is a possibility of reduced milk production due to the removal of breast tissue. Every individual is unique, so it’s important to discuss your concerns with your surgeon.
    What Is The Cost Of Breast Reduction In Turkey?
    The cost of breast reduction in Turkey can vary depending on various factors, such as the surgeon’s experience, the clinic’s location, and the complexity of the procedure. It’s best to consult with Vitapera directly to get accurate pricing information.
    Can Breast Reduction Improve Back And Neck Pain?
    Yes, breast reduction can improve or even alleviate back and neck pain caused by the weight and size of large breasts. By reducing the volume and weight of the breasts, the procedure can help relieve strain on the upper body and improve overall comfort.

    Everyone Has the Right to Look Better Make an Appointment Now!