Eyebrow Transplant in Turkey

An eyebrow transplant is a cosmetic procedure designed to restore or enhance the appearance of the eyebrows. It is typically performed on individuals who have thinning or sparse eyebrows due to factors like overplucking, genetics, trauma, or medical conditions.

Eyebrow transplantation can be a wonderful option for individuals seeking to regain fuller, more defined eyebrows that enhance their facial appearance. It offers a long-lasting solution, as the transplanted hair is permanent and can be groomed and styled just like natural eyebrows.

It’s important to consult with a skilled and experienced surgeon who specializes in eyebrow transplants to ensure the best results. Vitapera is here for you! We will evaluate your unique situation, discuss your desired eyebrow shape and thickness, and guide you through the process.

Whether you desire to fill in sparse areas, reshape your eyebrows, or completely restore them, an eyebrow transplant can help you achieve natural-looking and beautiful eyebrows that frame your face and enhance your overall appearance.

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    How is an Eyebrow Transplant performed?

    Reasons for Eyebrow Transplantation

    If you have concerns about your eyebrows and desire fuller, more defined, or aesthetically pleasing eyebrows, consulting with a skilled and experienced surgeon who specializes in eyebrow transplantation can help you explore the best options tailored to your specific needs.

    Let’s explore some common reasons why individuals opt for eyebrow transplantation!

    Thinning or Sparse Eyebrows: Some people naturally have thin or sparse eyebrows, while others may experience eyebrow hair loss due to factors like genetics, overplucking, aging, medical conditions, or trauma. Eyebrow transplantation can help restore fullness and density to the eyebrows, making them more prominent and defined.

    Overplucking or Unwanted Hair Removal: In the pursuit of shaping eyebrows, some individuals may have overplucked or removed hair in a way that resulted in thin or uneven eyebrows. Eyebrow transplantation can restore the natural shape and thickness of the brows, providing a more balanced and aesthetically pleasing appearance.

    Scarring or Trauma: Scarring from accidents, burns, or previous surgeries can affect the growth of eyebrow hair, leading to gaps or areas with no hair. Eyebrow transplantation can fill in these areas with transplanted hair follicles, concealing the scars and creating a more harmonious look.

    Medical Conditions or Treatments: Certain medical conditions, such as alopecia areata or trichotillomania, can cause eyebrow hair loss. Additionally, individuals undergoing medical treatments like chemotherapy may experience temporary eyebrow hair loss. Eyebrow transplantation offers a solution for regaining natural-looking eyebrows once the underlying condition or treatment has been addressed.

    Cosmetic Enhancements: Some individuals desire a specific eyebrow shape, arch, or thickness that is not naturally present. Eyebrow procedures can help achieve these desired enhancements, allowing for customized eyebrow aesthetics that complement one’s facial features.

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    Aftercare of eyebrow transplant

    Different Techniques of Eyebrow Transplantation

    Eyebrow transplantation involves different techniques to restore or enhance the appearance of eyebrows. Each technique has its own unique approach to achieving natural-looking and aesthetically pleasing results.

    Eyebrow transplantation techniques have advanced significantly, allowing for natural-looking results that enhance facial aesthetics. With the right technique and a skilled surgeon, individuals can achieve fuller, better-defined eyebrows that complement their features and restore confidence.

    • Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT):

    FUT hair transplant, also known as the strip method, involves surgically removing a thin strip of hair-bearing scalp from the donor area (typically the back of the head), where the hair is similar in texture and quality to eyebrow hair. 

    The strip is then dissected under a microscope to obtain individual hair follicles, which are carefully transplanted into the eyebrow area. This technique allows for precise placement of the follicles to create natural-looking eyebrows.

    • Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE):

    FUE hair transplant is a technique that involves extracting individual hair follicles directly from the donor area without the need for a strip incision. Using specialized tools, the surgeon extracts individual follicles one by one and transplants them into the eyebrow area. FUE provides more flexibility in harvesting hair follicles, allowing for a higher degree of customization in creating eyebrow shape and thickness.

    • Direct Hair Implantation (DHI):

    DHI hair transplant is an advanced technique that combines aspects of FUE with a specialized implantation process. Hair follicles are extracted individually from the donor area, and then a special tool called a Choi pen is used to directly implant the follicles into the eyebrow area. This technique offers precise control over the angle and depth of implantation, resulting in a natural appearance and minimal trauma to the transplanted follicles.

    Eyebrow Transplant Cost in Turkey?

    Eyebrow Transplant cost you around 1000€-1500€ 

    Natural eyebrows with eyebrow transplant

    Benefits of Eyebrow Transplant

    Eyebrow transplantation is a versatile procedure that addresses a range of concerns, providing individuals with the opportunity to achieve their desired eyebrow appearance. It offers a permanent solution by using transplanted hair follicles that continue to grow naturally. By restoring or enhancing the eyebrows, this procedure can significantly improve facial symmetry, balance, and overall appearance.

    • Natural and Aesthetically Pleasing Results: Eyebrow transplantation provides natural-looking results that seamlessly blend with your existing eyebrows. 
    • Restored Fullness and Density: The procedure fills in gaps and areas of hair loss, creating eyebrows that appear thicker and more defined. This can enhance facial symmetry and provide a more youthful and balanced appearance.

    • Customization and Personalization: Eyebrow transplantation allows for customization to achieve your desired eyebrow shape, arch, and thickness. 
    • Permanent Solution: Eyebrow transplantation offers a permanent solution for eyebrow restoration. 
    • Improved Confidence and Self-esteem: Eyebrow transplantation can restore or enhance the eyebrows that frame your face and contribute to a more attractive appearance. 
    • Minimal Downtime and Recovery: Eyebrow transplantation is a minimally invasive procedure that involves a relatively quick recovery. In most cases, a person’s typical routine can be resumed within only a few days.

    Eyebrow Transplantation vs Eyebrow Lift. What is The Difference?

    Eyebrow transplantation and eyebrow lifts are two different procedures that address different concerns related to the eyebrows. The main difference between eyebrow transplantation and eyebrow lift is their primary purpose. 

    Eyebrow transplantation aims to restore or enhance the eyebrows’ appearance by adding hair follicles, while eyebrow lift focuses on lifting and repositioning sagging eyebrows and reducing forehead wrinkles.

    • Eyebrow Transplantation:

    Eyebrow transplantation is a surgical procedure that involves the restoration or enhancement of the eyebrows by transplanting hair follicles into the eyebrow area. It is typically performed on individuals who have thinning or sparse eyebrows due to factors like overplucking, genetics, trauma, or medical conditions. 

    Eyebrow transplant procedure

    The surgeon carefully extracts hair follicles from a donor area, usually the back of the scalp, and implants them into the eyebrow area. This procedure helps restore fullness, density, and definition to the eyebrows, resulting in a more natural and aesthetically pleasing appearance.

    • Eyebrow Lift:

    An eyebrow lift, also known as a forehead lift, is a surgical procedure that focuses on addressing sagging or drooping eyebrows and forehead skin. It is primarily performed to rejuvenate the upper face and reduce signs of aging. 

    During an eyebrow lift, the surgeon lifts and repositions the eyebrows to a more youthful position, smoothing out forehead wrinkles and eliminating excess skin. This procedure can create a more open and refreshed appearance around the eyes and forehead area.


    Eyebrow Transplant Procedure Explained

    Eyebrow transplants offer a long-lasting solution for enhancing or restoring your eyebrows, resulting in a natural and aesthetically pleasing outcome. 

    The goal is to restore or enhance eyebrow fullness, shape, and definition in a way that complements your facial features. 

    Through careful donor hair extraction, precise site creation, and meticulous graft placement, eyebrow transplantation can provide a long-lasting solution for achieving the eyebrows you desire.

    Consultation and Evaluation

    The journey begins with a consultation with a skilled surgeon who specializes in eyebrow transplantation. During this consultation, you’ll discuss your desired eyebrow appearance, concerns, and expectations. The surgeon will evaluate your existing eyebrows, hair quality, and potential donor areas to determine the feasibility of the procedure and create a personalized plan.

    Donor Hair Extraction

    In the donor hair extraction stage, the surgeon carefully selects a suitable donor area, usually the back of the scalp, where the hair closely matches the texture and quality of eyebrow hair. Hair follicles are extracted using one of the techniques, such as Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT) or Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE). The extraction process ensures minimal scarring and discomfort.

    Site Creation and Graft Placement

    Once the donor hair follicles are extracted, the surgeon proceeds to create tiny incisions or sites in the eyebrow area where the transplanted hair follicles will be placed. The sites are strategically made to mimic the natural growth pattern and direction of eyebrow hair. 

    The surgeon then meticulously implants the extracted hair follicles into these sites, ensuring proper placement and a natural-looking result. The number of grafts and their placement are tailored to achieve the desired eyebrow shape, thickness, and overall aesthetics.

    Post-Transplant Care and Recovery

    After the procedure, you’ll receive specific post-transplant care instructions from your surgeon. These instructions typically include guidelines for washing the transplanted area, avoiding excessive touching or scratching, and following a prescribed aftercare routine. It’s important to adhere to these instructions to ensure proper healing and optimal results. 

    The transplanted hair follicles will gradually shed in the following weeks, but new hair growth will begin in a few months. Full results are typically visible within several months, and you’ll have regular follow-up appointments to monitor progress.

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    Before Procedure Tips

    • Smoking has an impact on follicle growth and the treatment’s outcomes, so it should be avoided for at least two weeks prior to the procedure.
    • Avoid drinking green tea because it is a blood thinner that will make the transplantation fail by causing excessive bleeding both before and after the procedure.
    • For at least four days prior to the transplant, abstain from coffee and other stimulants in general since they impair the anesthetic procedure.
    • In order to prevent any issues that could arise before or after the operation, it is advised to have a good, balanced meal prior to the procedure.
    • Stop using drugs like aspirin and ibuprofen combos, which thin the blood.
    • Your healthcare provider who is monitoring your health must be aware of any medications you are taking for a specific disease, such as diabetes, hypertension, or another ailment.
    After procedure Tips
    • Commit to take the meds your doctor has given in order to aid in your recovery.
    • You make every effort to maintain your head straight and avoid bending it.
    • After the procedure, wait at least 72 hours before washing your hair.
    • For five days, you must spend your nights propped up on two pillows in a semi-vertical position.
    • For at least a month, you should avoid direct sunlight and unfavorable weather conditions including heat, excessive humidity, and rain.
    • To prevent harm to the hair follicles, use caution when putting on or removing your garments.
    • For three months, you shouldn’t swim in the ocean, and for two months, you shouldn’t swim in a pool.
    • After surgery, you should abstain from smoking for at least two months.
    • When washing your hair, use the medicinal shampoo we give you and stay away from any chemical shampoo.

    Overview of Eyebrow Transplant Treatment



    Duration of





    14 Days



    first 2 years

    Return to

    Social Life

    2 days

    Return to


    5 days


    No Need


    Pain After

    3 Days


    Frequently Asked Questions

    Is Eyebrow Transplant a Permanent Procedure?

    Yes, eyebrow transplant is considered a permanent procedure. The transplanted hair follicles are typically taken from a donor area where the hair is genetically programmed to be more resistant to thinning or balding. These transplanted follicles continue to grow naturally in the eyebrow area, providing long-lasting results.

    How Long Does It Take for Transplanted Eyebrows to Grow?

    After an eyebrow transplant, the transplanted hair follicles go through a shedding phase within the first few weeks. Shedding is a part of the process. New hair growth typically begins within a few months, and the full results become visible within several months. Patience is key during this period as the hair gradually grows and the final outcome develops.

    What Is the Recovery Time for an Eyebrow Transplant?

    The recovery time for an eyebrow transplant is relatively quick. Most individuals can resume their normal activities within a few days after the procedure. It is common to experience some redness, scabbing, or mild swelling in the transplanted area, but these usually subside within a week or two.

    Can Eyebrow Transplant Look Natural?

    Yes, when performed by a skilled and experienced surgeon, an eyebrow transplant can look very natural. The surgeon carefully selects and places the transplanted hair follicles to match the natural growth pattern, direction, and thickness of eyebrow hair. This attention to detail ensures a result that blends seamlessly with your existing eyebrows, creating a natural and aesthetically pleasing appearance.

    Who Is a Suitable Candidate for an Eyebrow Transplant?

    Suitable candidates for an eyebrow transplant include individuals with thinning or sparse eyebrows due to factors such as overplucking, genetics, trauma, or medical conditions. Ideal candidates should have sufficient donor hair available for transplantation.

    Does Eyebrow Transplant Require Maintenance?

    Once the transplanted hair follicles start growing, they require minimal maintenance. You can groom and style the transplanted eyebrows just like your natural eyebrows. Trimming or shaping may be necessary periodically, but otherwise, the transplanted eyebrows should grow and behave like regular eyebrow hair.

    What Are the Potential Risks and Complications of an Eyebrow Transplant?

    Like any surgical procedure, an eyebrow transplant carries some risks. Potential risks and complications can include infection, scarring, bleeding, or temporary numbness in the transplant and donor areas. 

    It’s important to discuss these risks with your surgeon, follow their post-operative care instructions, and attend follow-up appointments to ensure proper healing and minimize potential complications.

    Is Eyebrow Transplant Considered a Major Surgery?

    An eyebrow transplant is generally considered a minor surgical procedure. It is performed under local anesthesia, and the recovery time is relatively quick compared to more extensive surgeries. However, it still requires the expertise of a skilled surgeon to achieve optimal results.

    Can Eyebrow Transplant Be Customized to My Desired Shape?

    Yes, an eyebrow transplant can be customized to your desired shape. During the consultation, you’ll discuss your desired eyebrow appearance with the surgeon, including the shape, arch, and thickness you desire. The surgeon will work closely with you to create eyebrows that complement your facial features and achieve your aesthetic goals.

    You can contact us for more detailed information.

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