Endoscopic Mid-Face Lift in Turkey

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    Reasons for Choosing an Endoscopic Mid-Face Lift last?

    Are you considering a Rhytidectomy to address signs of aging and rejuvenate your appearance? If so, the endoscopic mid-face lift offers several compelling reasons to choose this innovative procedure. Let’s explore some of these reasons in an engaging and informative way:

    Minimally Invasive Technique

    The endoscopic mid-face lift is a minimally invasive procedure, meaning it involves smaller incisions and less tissue trauma compared to traditional facelifts. This results in reduced scarring, faster recovery, and minimal disruption to your daily life. 

    Natural-Looking Results

    With the use of an endoscope, the surgeon can visualize and precisely target the underlying structures of the mid-face. This allows for a more accurate and controlled elevation of the tissues, resulting in natural-looking results that enhance your facial features without appearing overdone or artificial.

    Addressing Mid-Face Concerns

    The mid-face region is prone to sagging, volume loss, and deepening of facial lines as we age. The endoscopic mid-face lift specifically targets these concerns, restoring youthful contours, lifting sagging tissues, and improving the overall appearance of the mid-face area.

    Enhanced Facial Harmony

    By focusing on the mid-face, which includes the cheeks and lower eyelids, the endoscopic mid-face lift can help restore balance and harmony to your facial features. It can rejuvenate and lift these areas, reducing the tired or aged appearance and creating a more refreshed and youthful look.

    Customized Approach

    Each individual’s facial anatomy and concerns are unique. The Rhytidectomy allows for a customized approach, tailoring the procedure to your specific needs and desired outcomes. The surgeon can address your specific areas of concern, whether it’s lifting sagging cheeks or smoothing out deep lines, to achieve personalized and satisfying results.

    Long-Lasting Benefits

    The results of an endoscopic mid-face lift are long-lasting, helping you enjoy the rejuvenated appearance of your mid-face for years to come. While aging is a natural process, the procedure can effectively turn back the clock and provide you with a more youthful and refreshed look that lasts..

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    Endoscopic Mid-Face Lift Alternatives

    If you’re considering a mid-face lift but the endoscopic technique doesn’t seem like the right fit for you, don’t worry! There are alternative options available to achieve your desired results. Let’s explore some of the alternatives to the endoscopic mid-face lift!

    Traditional Facelift

    The traditional facelift, also known as a full facelift, is a comprehensive surgical procedure. The traditional facelift offers significant improvement in sagging skin, jowls, and deep wrinkles, providing a comprehensive rejuvenation for a more youthful appearance.

    Mini Facelift

    The mini facelift is a less extensive version of the traditional facelift, targeting specific areas of concern. The mini facelift is a popular choice for individuals with milder signs of aging or those who desire a less invasive procedure with shorter recovery time.

    Thread Lift

    A thread lift is a non-surgical alternative to a traditional facelift. Thread lifts provide a temporary lift to the mid-face, helping to improve the appearance of jowls and facial contours. This procedure is less invasive and requires minimal downtime.

    Dermal Fillers

    Dermal fillers, such as hyaluronic acid or collagen-based injectables, offer a non-surgical option to restore volume and contour to the mid-face area. Dermal fillers provide immediate results with minimal downtime, although the effects are temporary and require regular maintenance treatments.

    Enhanced body confidence

    Fat transfer, also known as fat grafting, involves taking fat from one area of the body (typically through liposuction) and injecting it into the mid-face to restore volume and contour. Fat transfer can be combined with other procedures for a more comprehensive facial rejuvenation.

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    You can call us 24/7 for your questions and inquiries about all of our Treatments & Procedures.

    Endoscopic vs Deep Plane Facelift

    When it comes to facelift procedures, you may have heard about two popular techniques: the endoscopic facelift and the deep plane facelift. 

    Both the endoscopic and deep plane facelift techniques have their unique advantages and are tailored to address specific concerns. 

    The endoscopic facelift is a minimally invasive option that focuses on targeted areas, providing natural-looking results and a quicker recovery. 
    On the other hand, the deep plane facelift offers more comprehensive rejuvenation and is suited for individuals with more significant signs of aging.

    Overview of Endoscopic Mid-Face Lift Surgery

    Anesthesia Method

    Local anesthesia with oral sedation

    Duration Of


    Sports Activity

    4-10 Weeks
    Define Result
    2-3 Months

    Return To
    Social Life

    1 Week

    Return To

    2 Weeks


    Few Days

    Average Pain After
    3 Days


    We are always with you for your Health!

    You can call us 24/7 for your questions and inquiries about all of our Treatments & Procedures.

    Amazing Result!
    Endoscopic Mid-Face Lift Before & After

    Endoscopic Mid-Face Lift Procedure Explained

    The endoscopic mid-face lift offers a minimally invasive approach to rejuvenating the mid-face area, addressing sagging, restoring volume, and enhancing facial contours. By combining advanced surgical techniques and the use of an endoscope, this procedure provides natural-looking results with smaller incisions and a shorter recovery time.

    Initial Consultation And Evaluation

    The journey begins with an initial consultation with a qualified plastic surgeon specializing in endoscopic mid-face lifts. At this consultation, you’ll be able to share your worries, aspirations, and requirements. The surgeon will carefully evaluate your mid-face area, assessing factors such as skin laxity, volume loss, and facial contours. This evaluation allows the surgeon to develop a personalized treatment plan tailored to your specific needs.

    Surgical Techniques For Endoscopic Mid-Face Lift

    The endoscopic mid-face lift involves utilizing an endoscope, a tiny camera, and specialized instruments. This approach allows for a minimally invasive procedure with smaller incisions compared to traditional facelift techniques. The surgeon will strategically place small incisions hidden within the hairline or natural creases, enabling access to the underlying structures of the mid-face.

    Endoscope-Assisted Tissue Repositioning

    The endoscope is inserted through the incisions, providing the surgeon with a detailed view of the targeted areas. With precision and expertise, the surgeon uses the endoscope and specialized instruments to lift and reposition the underlying facial tissues. This repositioning helps address sagging, restore youthful contours, and improve the overall appearance of the mid-face area.

    Restoration Of Mid-Face Volume And Contours

    In addition to tissue repositioning, the surgeon may utilize techniques to restore volume and enhance mid-face contours. This can involve the use of dermal fillers, fat transfer, or other methods to address volume loss and create a more youthful appearance.

    Recovery And Postoperative Care

    Following the procedure, you’ll enter the recovery phase. The surgeon will provide you with specific instructions on how to care for your incisions and manage any postoperative discomfort. You may experience mild swelling and bruising, which should gradually subside over time. It’s important to follow the guidelines.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Am I A Suitable Candidate For An Endoscopic Mid-Face Lift?
    You may be a suitable candidate for an endoscopic mid-face lift if you have concerns such as sagging mid-face tissues, loss of volume, or deep folds. You should be in good physical condition and maintain reasonable expectations. A consultation with a qualified plastic surgeon specializing in endoscopic mid-face lifts will determine if you are an ideal candidate based on your individual facial anatomy and goals. Schedule a consultation with Vitapera now!
    How Long Does It Take To Recover From An Endoscopic Mid-Face Lift?
    Recovery time can vary, but generally, it takes about one to two weeks to recover from a Rhytidectomy. During this period, you may experience mild swelling and bruising, which gradually subside. Following your surgeon’s postoperative instructions, such as wearing a supportive bandage, will help optimize your recovery.
    Will There Be Visible Scars After The Procedure?
    The incisions made for an endoscopic mid-face lift are typically small and strategically placed to minimize visibility. Surgeons make incisions within the hairline or natural creases, allowing for discreet camouflage. With proper care and the passage of time, any scars that may form tend to fade and become less noticeable.
    How Long Will The Results Of An Endoscopic Mid-Face Lift Last?
    The results of an endoscopic mid-face lift can be long-lasting. While aging is a natural process that continues, the procedure effectively addresses sagging tissues and restores volume to the mid-face. Although individual results may vary, the benefits of an endoscopic mid-face lift can be enjoyed for several years.
    What Is The Cost Of An Endoscopic Mid-Face Lift In Turkey?
    Generally, the cost in Turkey is considered cost-effective compared to many other countries, making it an attractive option for individuals seeking quality cosmetic procedures at a reasonable price. Contact Vitapera now for detailed information!
    Can An Endoscopic Mid-Face Lift Address Sagging Cheeks And Deep Folds?
    Yes, an endoscopic mid-face lift is specifically designed to address concerns such as sagging cheeks and deep folds. The technique involves lifting and repositioning the underlying tissues, restoring volume and contours to the mid-face area. By targeting these specific concerns, the procedure can help rejuvenate and enhance the appearance of the mid-face.
    Can Exercise And Diet Help Me Achieve The Same Results As A Tummy Tuck?
    While exercise and diet can help improve overall fitness and body composition, they may not be sufficient to address certain concerns, such as excess skin or separated abdominal muscles. A tummy tuck provides more dramatic and targeted results by removing excess skin, tightening muscles, and contouring the abdomen.

    Everyone Has the Right to Look Better Make an Appointment Now!